From Andrew MacPherson (
Here are the pics I took of my airfilter and airbox heatshield. The piping
into the airfilter is now wrapped in the silver heat tape to keep cooler. As
you can see from the design, it extends down about 30cm to protect OE airbox
from the radiator, the slot/tab at the front is designed to attach over the
front screw hole and the 2 tabs at the back fit over the OE screw holes to
secure it.
One side is cut out for the induction piping but at the moment the other
side is left open, mainly because it still allows a good roar and allows me
to check the temps inside.
I forgot to take pic of cold air piping but it sits under left spot light
and feeds straight into bottom of OE airbox. It definately works well and at
least gives me something to polish under the bonnet. In pic 3 you can still
see that the inside has that green reflective film on it, as I said this was
made from a "End of Freeway" sign :)
If you have a jigsaw with a metal blade that helps of
course. The bends and folds would have been more adventurous if I had access
to the schools magnabend but instead used the edge of the work bench and
clamped a piece of timber across the fold line and then worked it to the
correct angle with a rubber mallet, pretty prehistoric methods! The screw
tabs are just folded up with a set of pliers and the end piece which sits
over the induction pipe has inside tabs mounted and pot riveted which you
can see in one of the pics.
I did a simple and quick polish with wet&dry paper and then an alloy cream
The filter I am using
is King Dragon, dont know how the differ to others???? I still think
reducing heat is the key and you can feel the heat difference even when you
hold your hand in the engine bay and then inside the box.